
Websites I've Built

ReGreen Big Bend

An environmental restoration project in Far West Texas. Built with WordPress.

The ReGreen Big Bend website logo.

Danceophile Studio

An independent folk dance studio in Boulder, CO. Built with Astro.

A screenshot of the homepage of the Danceophile Studio website.

My Digital Notebook

My personal wiki. Built with Eleventy.

A screenshot of the homepage of my personal notebook.


An app that generates pairings from any two lists. My first JavaScript app.

A screenshot of the Pairings webapp homepage.

Prairie Rose Arena

An equestrian event center in Elkhart, IA. Built with Eleventy.

A screenshot of the Prairie Rose Arena website homepage.

Personal Site (current version)

The website you are currently on. Built with Astro.

A screenshot of the homepage of Sam Feldstein's personal website.

Personal Site (Hugo, archived)

An archived version of my personal site. Built with Hugo.

A screenshot of the homepage of an archived version of Sam Feldstein's personal website.

My First Website

The first version of my personal site. Built by hand. No generators, no nothin.

A screenshot of the homepage of the first website I ever built.