
Sam Feldstein's Personal Website

Hi, I'm Sam Feldstein. I like taking notes, making photos, and building websites. I also write the occasional blog post.

I'm currently based in Boulder, CO. I won't tell you where I'm from originally, but I'll give you a hint: It's not Idaho or Ohio. I've also lived in Iowa City, Southern California, Far West Texas, and I spent a summer in New Orleans once.

I don't have a particular objective for this website, though I maintain it with something like a sense of duty. I've learned so much from people writing on the internet that I feel obligated it pay it forward.

So come on in. Have a look around. Make yourself at home. And if you find anything useful, let me know. I'd love to hear about it.

Latest Website: Danceophile Studio (in progress)

A website for an independent folk dance studio. Built with Astro.

A screenshot of the Danceophile Studio homepage.

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Latest Photo: Matt Heckler at the Skylark Lounge

Matt Heckler playing at the Skylark Lounge.

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