
Websites I've Built

Danceophile Studio

Built with Astro.

A screenshot of the homepage of the Danceophile Studio website.

My Digital Notebook

Built with Eleventy.

A screenshot of the homepage of my personal notebook.


An app that generates pairings from any two lists. My first JavaScript-driven project.

A screenshot of the Pairings webapp homepage.

Prairie Rose Arena

A website for an equestrian event center. Built with Eleventy.

A screenshot of the Prairie Rose Arena website homepage.

Personal Site (current version)

The website you are currently on. Built with Astro.

A screenshot of the homepage of Sam Feldstein's personal website.

Personal Site (Hugo, archived)

An archived version of my personal site. Built with Hugo.

A screenshot of the homepage of an archived version of Sam Feldstein's personal website.

My First Website

The first version of my personal site. Built by hand. No generators, no nothin.

A screenshot of the homepage of the first website I ever built.